Korean Short Story for Beginners : She’s Sick ?!

Hi Korean learners ! Today, we meet again for another Korean listening and reading practice for beginners. This Korean short story is targeted towards beginners. (A1-A2)

About the story : Luki is going back home and receives a call from Binu.

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice

She is Sick !?


수업이 끝나서 집에 가고 있어요.
저는 지금 친구집에서 살고있어요.
비누씨와 저녁을 같이 먹을거예요.

* 전화벨소리 *

어? 비누씨예요.
왜 전화했을까요?


– 여보세요?
– 루키씨 저예요, 비누
– 네. 비누씨. 무슨일이에요?
– 루키씨 저 감기에 걸린 것 같아요
– 네? 정말요? 괜찮아요?
– 음… 몸이 안좋아요.
– 지금 어디예요?
– 지금 학교 정문에 있어요. 집에 가는 중이에요.
– 그러면 약국에서 약을 사줄래요?
– 그럴게요. 증상은 뭐예요?
– 기침을 하고 머리가 아파요.
– 어지럽지는 않아요?
– 네 어지럽지는 않아요. 하지만 열이 나요.
– 저런… 힘들겠어요.
– 빨리 약을 사서 집에갈게요.
– 고마워요. 집에서 봐요.
– 네. 집에서 봐요.



비누씨가 아파요.
약국에 가야해요.
비누씨를 위해서 약을 살거예요.


– 어서오세요.
– 안녕하세요.
– 어떻게 오셨어요 ?
– 저는 친구를 위해서 약을 사러왔어요.
– 그래요? 증상을 말해주세요.
– 제 친구는 기침을 하고 머리가 아파요.
그리고 열도 나요.
– 다른 증상도 있나요?
– 없는 것 같아요.
– 그렇군요. 그러면 이 약을 드릴게요.
꼭 밥을 먹은 다음에 드세요.
– 네. 알겠습니다. 얼마예요?
– 4500원 입니다. 카드로 하실래요?
– 현금으로 할게요. 여기있어요.
– 네. 감사합니다.
– 안녕히 계세요.
– 조심히 가세요.



비누씨를 위해서 약을 샀어요.
빨리 집에 갈거예요.
비누씨가 걱정돼요


The class is over, and I’m heading home.
I’m staying at a friend’s house.
I’m going to have dinner with Binu.
*Phone ringing*
Huh? It’s Binu.
Why did they call?

– Hello?
– Luki, it’s me, Binu
– Yes, Binu. What’s going on?
– Luki, I think I caught a cold
– What? Really? Are you okay?
– Uh… I don’t feel well.
– Where are you right now?
– I’m at the school gate. I’m on my way home.
– Then, can you buy me some medicine from the pharmacy?
– Sure. What are your symptoms?
– I’m coughing, and I have a headache.
– Are you feeling dizzy?
– No, I’m not dizzy. But I have a fever.
– Oh no… That must be tough.
– I’ll buy the medicine quickly and head home.
– Thank you. See you at home.
– Yes. See you at home.

Binu is sick.
I need to go to the pharmacy.
I’m going to buy medicine for Binu.

– Welcome.– Hello.
– How can I help you?
– I’m here to buy medicine for a friend.
– I see. Can you tell me the symptoms?
– My friend is coughing and has a headache.
And she has a fever.
– Any other symptoms?
– I don’t think so.
– I see. Then I’ll give you this medicine.
Make sure she takes it after eating.
– Yes, understood. How much is it?
– It’s 4,500 won. Would you like to pay by card?
– I’ll pay in cash. Here you go.
– Yes, thank you.
– Goodbye.
– Take care.

I bought the medicine for Binu.
I’ll hurry home.
I’m worried about her.


여보세요Hello (on the phone)
무슨What kind of
Work / Matter / Situation
감기Cold (illness)
감기에 걸리다To catch a cold
학교 정문School gate
어지럽다To feel dizzy
열이 나다To have a fever
저런Oh dear
위해서For the sake of
어떻게 오셨어요?How can I help you? (polite)
드리다To give (humble form)
걱정되다To be worried

You can also check the grammar points in the YouTube video dedicated for this story !

Other Texts For Beginners

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