Korean Story for Beginners : Morning Routine

Hi Korean learners ! Today, we meet again for another Korean listening and reading practice for beginners. This Korean short story is targeted towards beginners.

About the story : let’s check the morning story of our three characters!

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice

Morning Routine


비누씨는 7시에 일어나요.
물을 마셔요.
세수를 해요.
그리고 아침을 먹어요.
아침은 계란과 빵이에요.
사과 주스도 마셔요
이제 양치를 해요.
옷을 갈아입어요.
잠옷을 벗어요.
셔츠를 입어요.
바지를 입어요.
양말을 신어요.
신발을 신어요.
책가방을 메요.
이제 학교에 가요.


루키씨는 늦잠잤어요.
9시에 일어났어요.
루키씨는 오늘 학교에 가야해요.
10시에 수업이 있어요.
루키씨는 급하게 아침을 먹어요
우유와 시리얼을 먹어요
세수를 하고 이를 닦아요.
옷을 갈아입을거예요.
파란색 티셔츠를 입고싶어요.
하지만 못 찾았어요.
초록색 티셔츠를 입어요.
새로 산 청바지를 입어요.
하얀색 양말을 신어요.
어떤 신발을 신을지 고민해요.
구두를 신을까요?
아니, 운동화가 좋겠어요.
아…! 지갑을 깜빡했어요.
지갑을 챙겨요
이제 학교에 갈까요?


자피씨는 알람소리를 듣고 일어났어요.
자피씨는 오늘 학교에 가지 않아요.
자피씨는 침대에 조금 더 있고 싶어요.
침대에서 유튜브 비디오를 볼거예요.
오! Akapinn 채널에 새로운 비디오가 올라왔어요.
자피씨는 유튜브로 한국어를 공부하는 중이에요.
한국어를 공부하는 것은 어렵지만 재미있어요.
열심히 공부했더니 배가 고파요.
자피씨가 냉장고를 열어요.
냉장고에는 음식이 많이 있어요.
자피씨가 좋아하는 햄과 야채가 있어요.
마트에서 사온 김치도 있어요.
음식을 꺼내고 밥이랑 먹어요.
자피씨는 오늘 무엇을 할까요?



Binu wakes up at 7 o’clock.
She drinks water.
She washes her face.
Then, she eats breakfast.
Breakfast is eggs and bread.
She also drinks apple juice.
Now, she brushes her teeth.
She changes her clothes.
She takes off her pajamas.
She puts on a shirt.
She puts on pants.
She puts on socks.
She puts on shoes.
She carries her backpack.
Now, she goes to school.


Luki overslept.
He woke up at 9 o’clock.
Luki has to go to school today.
He has class at 10 o’clock.
Luki eats breakfast in a hurry.
He eats milk and cereal.
He washes his face and brushes his teeth.
He is going to change his clothes.
He wants to wear a blue T-shirt.
But he couldn’t find it.
He wears a green T-shirt.
He puts on his new jeans.
He puts on white socks.
He thinks about which shoes to wear.
Should he wear dress shoes?
No, sneakers would be better.
He’s ready.
Ah…! He forgot his wallet.
He grabs his wallet.
Now, shall we go to school?


Zapi woke up to the sound of her alarm.
Zapi is not going to school today.
Zapi wants to stay in bed a little longer.
She is going to watch YouTube videos in bed.
Oh! A new video has been uploaded to the Akapinn channel.
Zapi is studying Korean through YouTube.
Studying Korean is hard, but it’s fun.
After studying hard, she feels hungry.
Zapi opens the fridge.
There’s a lot of food in the fridge.
There’s ham and vegetables that Zapi likes.
There’s also kimchi that she bought from the market.
She takes out the food and eats it with rice.
What will Zapi do today?


일어나다to wake up
마시다to drink
세수하다to wash one’s face
아침을 먹다to eat breakfast
사과 주스apple juice
양치하다to brush one’s teeth
갈아입다to change clothes
벗다to take off (clothes)
낮잠자다to oversleep/take a nap
급하게in a hurry
이를 닦다to brush one’s teeth
고민하다to worry/to think about
구두dress shoes
깜빡하다to forget
알람소리alarm sound
꺼내다to take out

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