Korean Short Story : Korean Restaurant

Korean Short Story : Korean Restaurant

여러분 안녕하세요! 🙂 We meet again today for another reading practice.

Since we started putting these out as YouTube videos as well, maybe I should also call it listening practice. You can easily practice both your listening and reading skills through these little stories!

This week’s reading practice will be targeted for both beginners and advanced beginners. It is fairly simple, with a couple of more advanced grammar patterns! 🙂

In this article, you will find : 

  • The reading practice in Korean
  • A translation of the text
  • A YouTube video to train your listening skills
  • A vocabulary list
  • A short explanation of the most difficult grammar parts

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice : Korean Restaurant

Level : Low Beginner

한국 식당

나미 씨와 친해지고 싶어요.
아주 친절한 사람인 것 같아요.
그래서 오늘 수업 후에 나미 씨와 같이 점심을 먹기로 했어요.


Restaurant Worker – 어서오세요. 몇 분이세요 ?
Lina – 안녕하세요. 두 명이요.
Restaurant Worker – 예. 이쪽으로 오세요~
Nami – 뭐 먹을래요 ?
Lina – 여기 순두부찌개가 맛있대요.
Nami – 그래요 ? 그럼 순두부찌개를 하나 주문할까요 ?
Lina – 네~ 그리고 저는 제육볶음을 먹고 싶어요. 나미 씨는요 ?
Nami – 저는 비빔밥을 먹을 거예요.
Lina – 그럼 순두부찌개, 제육볶음, 비빔밥을 하나씩 주문할까요?
Nami – 네, 그렇게 해요.
Lina – 저기요 …주문할게요~
Restaurant Worker – 네, 말씀하세요.
Lina – 순두부찌개 하나, 제육볶음 하나, 비빔밥 하나 주세요.
Restaurant Worker – 제육볶음은 많이 매운데 괜찮으세요?
Lina – 네, 괜찮아요.
Restaurant Worker – 주문하신 음식이 나왔습니다.
이건 순두부찌개예요. 뜨거우니까 조심하세요.
이건 제육볶음과 비빔밥이에요. 맛있게 드세요~
Lina & Nami – 잘 먹겠습니다!
Lina – 어때요 ?
Nami – 순두부찌개는 처음 먹어봐요. 맵지만 너무 맛있어요!
Lina – 맞아요. 비빔밥은 어때요 ?
Nami – 맛있어요. 먹어 볼래요?
Lina – 네~
와 맛있어요!
Nami – 제육볶음은 어때요 ?
Lina – 아주 맛있어요. 먹어 보세요!
Nami – 순두부찌개보다 매워요 ?
Lina – 네, 훨씬 더 매워요. 나미씨는 매운 음식을 잘 못 먹어요?
Nami – 네, 매운 음식을 잘 못 먹어요.
Lina – 아 그래요 ? 그럼 먹지 마세요. 아주 매워요.


Lina – 계산할게요!
Restaurant Worker – 20000원이에요
Lina – 네 — 여기 있습니다.
Lina & Nami – 잘 먹었습니다 !

Translation (click to unfold!)

Korean Restaurant

I want to become friends with Nami.
She seems like a very kind person.
So today, after class, we decided to have lunch together.

Restaurant Worker – Welcome. How many people?
Lina – Hello. Two people.
Restaurant Worker – Okay. This way, please.
Nami – What should we eat?
Lina – I heard the soft tofu stew here is delicious.
Nami – Really? Then should we order one soft tofu stew?
Lina – Yes~ And I want to eat stir-fried spicy pork. How about you?
Nami – I will have bibimbap.
Lina – Then should we order one soft tofu stew, one stir-fried spicy pork, and one bibimbap?
Nami – Yes, let’s do that.
Lina – Excuse me, we’d like to order~
Restaurant Worker – Yes, go ahead.
Lina – One soft tofu stew, one stir-fried spicy pork, and one bibimbap, please.
Restaurant Worker – The stir-fried spicy pork is very spicy, is that okay?
Lina – Yes, it’s okay.
Restaurant Worker – Your food is ready.
This is the soft tofu stew. Be careful, it’s hot.
This is the stir-fried spicy pork and the bibimbap. Enjoy your meal~
Lina & Nami – We will enjoy the meal!
Lina – How is it?
Nami – It’s my first time eating soft tofu stew. It’s spicy but very delicious!
Lina – Yes. How is the bibimbap?
Nami – It’s good. Do you want to try it?
Lina – Yes~
Wow, it’s delicious!
Nami – How is the stir-fried spicy pork?
Lina – It’s very tasty. Try it!
Nami – Is it spicier than the soft tofu stew?
Lina – Yes, it’s much spicier. Can’t you eat spicy food well, Nami?
Nami – Yes, I can’t handle spicy food well.
Lina – Oh, really? Then don’t eat it. It’s very spicy.

Lina – I will pay!
Restaurant Worker – It’s 20,000 won.
Lina – Okay— Here you go.
Lina & Nami – Thank you for the meal!


친해지다To become close/friends
친절하다To be kind
몇 분이세요How many people
People (counter)
이쪽으로 오세요This way, please
먹다To eat
순두부찌개Soft tofu stew
주문하다To order
제육볶음Stir-fried spicy pork
저기요Excuse me
괜찮다To be okay
주문하신 음식Ordered food
뜨겁다Hot (temperature)
조심하다To be careful
맛있게 드세요Enjoy your meal
잘 먹겠습니다We will enjoy the meal
처음First time
훨씬Much more
잘 못 먹다Can’t eat well
계산하다To pay
잘 먹었습니다Thank you for the meal
Won (Korean currency)

Grammar points

-기로 하다

기로 하다 is a grammatical structure used to express a decision or determination to do something.

  • Example: 나미 씨와 같이 점심을 먹기로 했어요. (We decided to have lunch together with Nami.)


ㄹ래요? (or 을래요? after a consonant) is used to ask about someone’s intention or preference, often in an informal and friendly way. It translates to “Do you want to…?” or “Shall we…?”

  • Example: 뭐 먹을래요? (What do you want to eat?)


대요 (shortened from 다고 해요) is a way to relay what someone else has said, essentially functioning as “they say that…” or “I heard that…”

  • Example: 여기 순두부찌개가 맛있대요. (I heard the soft tofu stew here is delicious.)

Other Texts For Advanced Beginners

Study Method for Texts

If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.

Since we’ve recently started making YouTube videos for each reading practice we post, I would suggest you watch the video to study the text.
The video is divided as follows :

  1. Korean voice only, with pictures to help the understanding
  2. Korean subtitles + translation
  3. Questions about the text
  4. Additional notes

By following the video first, you’ll get a good grasp of the text. Then, you can come back here and study it from here.

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