여러분 안녕하세요! 🙂 Today I’m coming to you for another reading practice about schools ! Last time, the reading practice Korean Reading Practice for Beginners : My School was targeted towards baby beginners. Today, we are targeting advanced beginners!
It is not much more complicated though, just not a reading practice you can read easily if you’re an absolute beginner. It will be great if you’ve started learning Korean a couple of weeks/months ago (depending on your rhythm of course) and are looking for something that is a bit longer.
In this article, you will find :
- A reading practice in Korean
- A translation of the text
- A youtube video of this reading practice
- A vocabulary list
- A short explanation of the most difficult grammar parts
- Two questions to review your understanding of the text
Table of Contents
Korean Reading Practice : My School

우리 학교
여기는 우리 학교예요.
우리 학교 캠퍼스에 여러 건물이 있어요.
편의점도 있고, 도서관도 있고 학생 식당까지 있어서 아주 편해요.
보통은 수업 전에 편의점에 가는데 오늘은 늦게 일어났어요.
그래서 편의점에 못 가요. 바로 교실로 가야 돼요.
다행히 편의점은 어학당 건물 옆에 있어서 쉬는 시간에 편의점에 갈 수 있어요.
그래서 쉬는 시간에 간식을 사러 가려고 해요.
요즘 매일 한국어 어학당에 다녀요.
어학당에 다니고 싶으면 분반 테스트를 봐야 해요.
1급부터 6급까지 공부할 수 있어요.
저는 초보라서 1급부터 공부 해야 해요.
1급은 초보를 위한 수업인데 6급은 한국어를 진짜 잘 하는 사람을 위한 수업이에요.
1급을 열심히 공부하고 있어요.
6급까지 공부하고 싶어요.
Translation (click to unfold!)
My School
This is my school.
There are several buildings on my school campus.
There is a convenience store, a library, and even a student cafeteria, so it’s very convenient.
Usually, I go to the convenience store before class, but today I woke up late.
So, I can’t go to the convenience store. I have to go straight to the classroom.
Fortunately, the convenience store is next to the language school building, so I can go there during the break.
So, I plan to go buy snacks during the break.
These days, I go to the Korean language school every day.
If you want to attend the language school, you have to take a placement test.
You can study from level 1 to level 6. Since I am a beginner, I have to study from level 1.
Level 1 is for beginners, but level 6 is for people who are really good at Korean.
I am studying hard at level 1. I want to study up to level 6.
한국어 | 영어 |
캠퍼스 | Campus |
여러 | Several |
건물 | Building |
편의점 | Convenience store |
도서관 | Library |
학생 식당 | Student cafeteria |
편하다 | To be convenient, easy |
보통 | Usually |
수업 전 | Before class |
바로 | Straight, immediately |
교실 | Classroom |
다행히 | Luckily, fortunately |
어학당 | Language school |
쉬는 시간 | Break time |
-에 다니다 | To attend |
분반 테스트 | Placement test |
테스트를 보다 | To take a test |
급 | Level, grade (1급 = level 1) |
초보 | Beginner |
N 을/를 위한 | For (the sake of) |
Grammar points
-아/어/여야 하다 / 되다
Meaning : Have to / Must
Usage : used to express obligation or necessity, similar to “must” or “have to” in English.
Example in the text: 이야기를 해야 해요. (We have to talk.)
-을/ㄹ 수 있어요
Meaning: Can / Able to
Usage: Used to express the ability or possibility of doing something.
“을 수 있어요” is used after consonants, and “ㄹ 수 있어요” is used after vowels.
Example in the text: 쉬는 시간에 편의점에 갈 수 있어요 (I can go to the convenience store during break time)
Meaning: In order to / To do (something)
Usage: Used to indicate the purpose of going somewhere to do something.
“으러” is used after consonants, and “러” is used after vowels.
Example in the text: 간식을 사러 가려고 해요 (I plan to go to buy a snack)
-려고 하다
Meaning: Intend to / Plan to
Usage: Used to express someone’s intention or plan to do something.
“으려고 하다” is used after consonants, and “려고 하다” is used after vowels.
Example in the text: 간식을 사러 가려고 해요 (I plan to go to buy a snack)
Meaning: If / When
Usage: Used to express a condition or supposition.
“으면” is used after consonants, and “면” is used after vowels.
Example in the text: 어학당에 다니고 싶으면 (If you want to attend the language school)
Questions : About the Text
The questions talk about the person who introduced themselves in the text!
(1) 오늘은 왜 편의점에 못 갔어요?
① 아침을 먹어서
② 늦게 일어나서
③ 숙제를 해서
④ 친구를 만나서
(2) True or False ?
① 오늘은 늦게 일어났어요.
② 어학당 건물 옆에 편의점이 있어요.
③ 6급은 초보를 위한 수업이에요.
④ 쉬는 시간에 학생 식당에 가려고 해요.
Answers (click to unfold)
First question :
② 늦게 일어나서
Second question :
① 오늘은 늦게 일어났어요. – True
② 어학당 건물 옆에 편의점이 있어요. – True
③ 6급은 초보를 위한 수업이에요. – False
④ 쉬는 시간에 학생 식당에 가려고 해요. – False
Other Texts For Beginners

Study Method for Texts
If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.
Since we’ve recently started making YouTube videos for each reading practice we post, I would suggest you watch the video to study the text.
The video is divided as follows :
- Korean voice only, with pictures to help the understanding
- Korean subtitles + vocabulary
- Korean subtitles + translation
- Questions about the text
- Additional notes
By following the video first, you’ll get a good grasp of the text. Then, you can come back here and study it from here.