Korean Reading Practice

Korean Reading Practice : A New Friend

여러분 안녕하세요! 🙂 We meet again today for another reading practice. This week’s reading practice will be targeted towards advanced beginners. If you’ve seen the previous reading practices, you’ll see Lina meeting a new friend : Nami !

In this article, you will find : 

  • The reading practice in Korean
  • A translation of the text
  • A youtube video of this reading practice
  • A vocabulary list
  • A short explanation of the most difficult grammar parts
  • Two questions to review your understanding of the text

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice : A New Friend

Level : Advanced Beginner

새로운 친구

오늘 수업에서는 말하기 연습을 할 거예요.
아직 잘 모르는 반 친구들과 이야기를 해야해요.
좋은 친구를 만날 수 있을 것 같아요.


Lina – 안녕하세요! 저는 리나라고 해요.
Nami – 반가워요, 리나 씨! 저는 나미예요.
Lina – 나미 씨는 어느 나라 사람이에요?
Nami – 저는 일본에서 왔어요.
Lina – 일본이요? 저는 일본을 여행하는게 꿈이에요!
Nami – 그래요? 언제 꼭 한번 가보세요. 리나씨는 어느 나라에서 왔어요?
Lina – 저는 프랑스 사람이에요.
Nami – 우와 ! 저는 작년에 파리에 여행을 갔어요. 너무 좋았어요.
Lina – 그래요? 저는 프랑스 사람인데도 파리에 세 번 밖에 안 가 봤어요.
Nami – 진짜요? 왜요?
Lina – 집에서 파리까지 기차로 5시간이나 걸려서요.
Nami – 아 그렇군요~ 리나 씨는 한국에 왜 왔어요?
Lina – 저는 항상 외국에서 살아보고 싶었고 마침 한국에 갈 기회가 생겨서그냥 왔어요. 나미 씨는요 ?
Nami – 저는 아주 친한 친구가 한 명 있는데요. 그 친구가 저를 위해 일본어를 배웠어요.
그래서 저도 그 친구를 위해 한국어를 배우고 싶어요.


여러분, 오늘의 수업이 끝났어요. 연습을 잘 하셨나요?

Translation (click to unfold!)

A New Friend

Today in class, we will practice speaking.
We need to talk to classmates we don’t know well yet.
I think I can make good friends.

Lina – Hello! My name is Lina.
Nami – Nice to meet you, Lina! My name is Nami.
Lina – Nami, which country are you from?
Nami – I am from Japan.
Lina – Japan? It is my dream to travel to Japan!
Nami – Really? You should definitely visit sometime. Where are you from, Lina?
Lina – I am French.
Nami – Wow! I traveled to Paris last year. It was wonderful.
Lina – Really? Even though I am French, I have only been to Paris three times.
Nami – Really? Why is that?
Lina – It takes as long as five hours by train from my house to Paris.
Nami – Ah, I see. Why did you come to Korea, Lina?
Lina – I always wanted to live abroad, and I just got the opportunity to come to Korea. How about you, Nami?
Nami – I have a very close friend who learned Japanese for me. So, I also wanted to learn Korean for that friend.

Everyone, today’s class is over. Did you practice well?


반 친구Classmate
아직 잘 모르는 반 친구Classmate you don’t know well yet

Grammar points

-아/어/여야 하다 / 되다

해야 하다 is used to express obligation or necessity, similar to “must” or “have to” in English.

  • Example: 이야기를 해야 해요. (You have to talk.)

-ㄹ 수 있다 + ㄹ 것 같다

ㄹ 수 있다 means “can” or “be able to,” indicating the ability to do something.
ㄹ 것 같다 is used to express a guess or assumption, similar to “seem to” or “think” in English.

  • Example: 좋은 친구를 만날 수 있을 것 같아요. (I think I can make good friends.)


인데도 is a combination of 이다 (to be) and -ㄴ/는데도 (although/even though), used to express contrast or contradiction.

  • Example: 프랑스 사람인데도 파리에 세 번 밖에 안 가 봤어요. (Even though I am French, I have only been to Paris three times.)

Other Texts For Advanced Beginners

Study Method for Texts

If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.

Since we’ve recently started making YouTube videos for each reading practice we post, I would suggest you watch the video to study the text.
The video is divided as follows :

  1. Korean voice only, with pictures to help the understanding
  2. Korean subtitles + vocabulary
  3. Korean subtitles + translation
  4. Questions about the text
  5. Additional notes

By following the video first, you’ll get a good grasp of the text. Then, you can come back here and study it from here.

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