Korean Descriptive Verbs

100 Essential Korean Adjectives for Beginners

안녕하세요! Hello Korean learners!

Are you just starting to learn Korean? If so, you’re in the right place! We already studied 100 very common verbs together, and now we will study some adjectives (or descriptive verbs)

I have compiled a list of 100 essential Korean adjectives for beginners. These descriptive verbs will help you build a strong foundation in your Korean language journey!

Each adjective comes with :

  • • its dictionary form (-다)
  • • its past tense (았 / 었 / 였어요)
  • • its present tense (아 / 어 / 여요)
  • • its future tense (을 거예요)

As you can see, they’re all conjugated at the 해요체 form (polite informal). It’s the most common form, used daily and in everyday situations. It’s also known as the “요 form”.

Let’s get started and dive into the world of Korean verbs together.

About Korean adjectives

There are some things to remember about Korean verbs :

  • • It’s important to differentiate verbs from descriptive verbs in Korean because they are not used the same. Some conjugations apply only to verbs or work differently for descriptive verbs. If you start by studying while remembering which is a verb and which is a descriptive verb (adjective), it will be easier for later.
  • • Korean has one conjugation for all “person”. In English, you can say “I study”, but if you say “My brother study”, it doesn’t work. You have to say “My brother studies“. In Korean, one conjugation goes for all.
    제가 공부해요. (I study)
    오빠가 공부해요. (My older brother studies)
  • • It is always better to study the verbs with sentences. So I would suggest you make sentences while studying the verbs of this list!
    For some inspiration, check out 100 basic Korean sentences for beginners.

100 Essential Korean Verbs

1. 좋다 – to be good
좋았어요좋아요좋을 거예요
2. 나쁘다 – to be bad
나빴어요나빠요나쁠 거예요
3. 많다 – to be much
많았어요많아요많을 거예요
4. 적다 – to be a little
적었어요적어요적을 거예요
5. 싸다 – to be cheap
쌌어요싸요쌀 거예요
6. 비싸다 – to be expensive
비쌌어요비싸요비쌀 거예요
7. 작다 – to be small
작았어요작아요작을 거예요
8. 가깝다 – to be near
가까웠어요가까워요가까울 거예요
9. 크다 – to be big
컸어요커요클 거예요
10. 멀다 – to be far
멀었어요멀어요멀 거예요
11. 낮다 – to be low
낮았어요낮아요낮을 거예요
12. 높다 – to be high
높았어요높아요높을 거예요
13. 길다 – to be long
길었어요길어요길 거예요
14. 짧다 – to be short
짧았어요짧아요짧을 거예요
15. 가볍다 – to be light
가벼웠어요가벼워요가벼울 거예요
16. 무겁다 – to be heavy
무거웠어요무거워요무거울 거예요
17. 느리다 – to be slow
느렸어요느려요느릴 거예요
18. 빠르다 – to be fast
빨랐어요빨라요빠를 거예요
19. 쉽다 – to be easy
쉬웠어요쉬워요쉬울 거예요
20. 어렵다 – to be difficult
어려웠어요어려워요어려울 거예요
21. 재미있다 – to be interesting
재미있었어요재미있어요재미있을 거예요
22. 재미없다 – to be not interesting
재미없었어요재미없어요재미없을 거예요
23. 배고프다 – to be hungry
배고팠어요배고파요배고플 거예요
24. 배부르다 – to be full
배부렀어요배불러요배부를 거예요
25. 강하다 – to be strong
강했어요강해요강할 거예요
26. 약하다 – to be weak
약했어요약해요약할 거예요
27. 두껍다 – to be thick
두꺼웠어요두꺼워요두꺼울 거예요
28. 얇다 – to be thin
얇았어요얇아요얇을 거예요
29. 뜨겁다 – to be hot (object)
뜨거웠어요뜨거워요뜨거울 거예요
30. 차갑다 – to be cold (object)
차가웠어요차가워요차가울 거예요
31. 춥다 – to be cold (weather)
추웠어요추워요추울 거예요
32. 덥다 – to be hot (weather)
더웠어요더워요더울 거예요
33. 맑다 – to be clear
맑았어요맑아요맑을 거예요
34. 흐리다 – to be cloudy
흐렸어요흐려요흐릴 거예요
35. 시원하다 – to be cool
시원했어요시원해요시원할 거예요
36. 따뜻하다 – to be warm
따뜻했어요따뜻해요따뜻할 거예요
37. 넓다 – to be spacious
넓었어요넓어요넓을 거예요
38. 좁다 – to be narrow
좁았어요좁아요좁을 거예요
39. 깨끗하다 – to be clean
깨끗했어요깨끗해요깨끗할 거예요
40. 더럽다 – to be dirty
더러웠어요더러워요더러울 거예요
41. 어둡다 – to be dark
어두웠어요어두워요어두울 거예요
42. 밝다 – to be bright
밝았어요밝아요밝을 거예요
43. 바쁘다 – to be busy
바빴어요바빠요바쁠 거예요
44. 한가하다 – to be relaxing
한가했어요한가해요한가할 거예요
45. 시끄럽다 – to be noisy
시끄러웠어요시끄러워요시끄러울 거예요
46. 조용하다 – to be quiet
조용했어요조용해요조용할 거예요
47. 맛있다 – to be delicious
맛있었어요맛있어요맛있을 거예요
48. 맛없다 – to be not delicious
맛없었어요맛없어요맛없을 거예요
49. 쓰다 – to be bitter
썼어요써요쓸 거예요
50. 달다 – to be sweet
달았어요달아요달을 거예요
51. 시다 – to be sour
셨어요셔요실 거예요
52. 짜다 – to be salty
짰어요짜요짤 거예요
53. 맵다 – to be spicy
매웠어요매워요매울 거예요
54. 괜찮다 – to be fine
괜찮았어요괜찮아요괜찮을 거예요
55. 싫다 – to be dislikeable
싫었어요싫어요싫을 거예요
56. 아름답다 – to be beautiful
아름다웠어요아름다워요아름다울 거예요
57. 귀엽다 – to be cute
귀여웠어요귀여워요귀여울 거예요
58. 예쁘다 – to be pretty
예뻤어요예뻐요예쁠 거예요
59. 날씬하다 – to be slender
날씬했어요날씬해요날씬할 거예요
60. 뚱뚱하다 – to be fat
뚱뚱했어요뚱뚱해요뚱뚱할 거예요
61. 멋있다 – to be cool (appearance)
멋있었어요멋있어요멋있을 거예요
62. 유명하다 – to be famous
유명했어요유명해요유명할 거예요
63. 똑똑하다 – to be smart
똑똑했어요똑똑해요똑똑할 거예요
64. 착하다 – to be nice (personality)
착했어요착해요착할 거예요
65. 친절하다 – to be kind
친절했어요친절해요친절할 거예요
66. 부지런하다 – to be diligent
부지런했어요부지런해요부지런할 거예요
67. 게으르다 – to be lazy
게으렀어요게을러요게으를 거예요
68. 고맙다 – to be thankful
고마웠어요고마워요고마울 거예요
69. 감사하다 – to be thankful
감사했어요감사해요감사할 거예요
70. 미안하다 – to be sorry
미안했어요미안해요미안할 거예요
71. 죄송하다 – to be sorry
죄송했어요죄송해요죄송할 거예요
72. 반갑다 – to be glad
반가웠어요반가워요반가울 거예요
73. 편하다 – to be easy/convenient
편했어요편해요편할 거예요
74. 힘들다 – to be hard
힘들었어요힘들어요힘들 거예요
75. 친하다 – to be close (to someone)
친했어요친해요친할 거예요
76. 즐겁다 – to be enjoyable
즐거웠어요즐거워요즐거울 거예요
77. 무섭다 – to be scary
무서웠어요무서워요무서울 거예요
78. 기쁘다 – to be happy; glad
기뻤어요기뻐요기쁠 거예요
79. 행복하다 – to be happy (stronger)
행복했어요행복해요행복할 거예요
80. 슬프다 – to be sad
슬펐어요슬퍼요슬플 거예요
81. 외롭다 – to be lonely
외로웠어요외로워요외로울 거예요
82. 심심하다 – to feel bored
심심했어요심심해요심심할 거예요
83. 지루하다 – to be boring
지루했어요지루해요지루할 거예요
84. 불안하다 – to be anxious
불안했어요불안해요불안할 거예요
85. 편안하다 – to be comfortable
편안했어요편안해요편안할 거예요
86. 우울하다 – to be depressed
우울했어요우울해요우울할 거예요
87. 피곤하다 – to be tired
피곤했어요피곤해요피곤할 거예요
88. 아프다 – to be sick
아팠어요아파요아플 거예요
89. 건강하다 – to be healthy
건강했어요건강해요건강할 거예요
90. 비슷하다 – to be similar
비슷했어요비슷해요비슷할 거예요
91. 같다 – to be the same
같았어요같아요같을 거예요
92. 다르다 – to be different
달랐어요달라요다를 거예요
93. 복잡하다 – to be crowded; to be complicated
복잡했어요복잡해요복잡할 거예요
94. 간단하다 – to be simple
간단했어요간단해요간단할 거예요
95. 편리하다 – to be convenient
편리했어요편리해요편리할 거예요
96. 불편하다 – to be inconvenient
불편했어요불편해요불편할 거예요
97. 특별하다 – to be special
특별했어요특별해요특별할 거예요
98. 평범하다 – to be ordinary
평범했어요평범해요평범할 거예요
99. 중요하다 – to be important
중요했어요중요해요중요할 거예요
100. 필요하다 – to be necessary
필요했어요필요해요필요할 거예요

Wrap Up

There you go! Hopefully, this list could help you build a strong foundation of essential verbs in Korean. Don’t forget to check the other articles for more vocabulary :

And don’t hesitate to check the new YouTube channel for more content !

1 thought on “100 Essential Korean Adjectives for Beginners”

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