안녕하세요 여러분! 🙂 Today, we dive into another Korean reading practice. This reading practice is aimed at beginners. It will suit you well if you’ve started learning Korean recently!
If you want something more challeging : check out this text about classmates. It’s a little longer, and a bit more complicated.
In this article, you will find :
- A short text or story written in Korean
- A translation of the text
- A vocabulary list
- A short explanation of the most difficult grammar parts if necessary
- A few questions to review your understanding of the text
When we do not write the texts ourselves, we give credits where credits are due. Links marked with * are affiliate links, and we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. It will help support the blog, so thank you. 🙂
You can find this text and more in the book Yonsei Reading 1-1*, which is a good a really nice book to practice your reading skills (aimed at beginners)

Check out Yonsei Reading 1-1 on Amazon*
Table of Contents
Korean Reading Practice

지난 수요일에 우리는 그림을 보러 인사동에 갔습니다.
학교 앞 버스 정류장에서 272번 버스를 탔습니다.
“아저씨, 이 버스 인사동에 가지요?
인시동을 잘 모르니까 좀 가르쳐 주세요.”
“네, 안내방송을 하니까 걱정하지 마세요.”
우리는 버스에 빈 자리가 있어서 그 앞으로 갔습니다.
그렇지만 그 자리는 노약자석이어서 앉지 않았습니다.
조금 후에 안내방송이 나왔습니다.
“다음 정류장은 인사동입니다. 내리실 분은 미리 문 쪽으로 나오십시오.”
우리는 버스에서 내렸습니다.
학교에서 인사동까지 버스로 15분쯤 걸렸습니다.
Translation (click to unfold!)
The bus
Last Wednesday, we went to Insadong to see paintings. We took the 272 bus from the bus stop in front of the school.
“Sir, does this bus go to Insadong? Since I’m not familiar with Insadong, could you please teach me?”
“Yes, don’t worry, we have announcements.”
We moved to the front of the bus because there were empty seats. However, we didn’t sit there because they were designated for elderly and disabled passengers.
A little later, an announcement came on:
“The next stop is Insadong. Those who are getting off, please exit toward the door in advance.”
We got off the bus. It took about 15 minutes by bus from the school to Insadong.

한국어 | 영어 |
지난 수요일 | last Wednesday |
그림 | Painting / Drawing |
인사동 | Insadong |
버스 정류장 | Bus stop |
안내방송 | Announcements |
걱정하다 | To worry |
빈 자리 | Empty seat |
약자석 | Priority seating |
후 | After |
나오다 | To come out |
내리다 | To get off |
내리실 분 | Those who are getting off |
걸리다 | To take |
Grammar points
This is a particle attached to a noun to indicate the purpose of an action. It’s similar to the English “in order to” or “for the purpose of”.
In the text : “그림을 보러 인사동에 갔습니다” can be translated as “We went to Insadong to see the paintings”. Here, “보러” is derived from “보다” (to see) and indicates the purpose of going to Insadong.
This is a sentence ending used in spoken Korean to confirm or check information. It’s similar to the English tag questions like “isn’t it?” or “right?”. It can also be written “죠?” (shortened version) or “지” (casual speech).
In the text : “이 버스 인사동에 가지요?” can be translated as “This bus goes to Insadong, right?”
This is a conjunction that means “because” or “since”. It’s used to express a reason or a cause.
In the text : “인사동을 잘 모르니까 좀 가르쳐 주세요” can be translated as “Please guide me a bit because I don’t know Insadong well”
–아/어/여 주세요
This is a polite request form in Korean. It’s used when asking someone to do something for you.
In the text: “가르쳐 주세요” can be translated as “Please (teach)guide (me)”
This is a connective ending that means “and then” or “so”. It’s used to connect two related actions where one follows the other.
In the text : “버스에 빈 자리가 있어서 그 앞으로 갔습니다” can be translated as “There were empty seats on the bus, so we moved to the front”
This is a particle that indicates direction or target.
In the text : “버스로 15분쯤 걸렸습니다” can be translated as “It took about 15 minutes by bus”
–에서 -까지
These are particles used to indicate a range from one place to another. “에서” means “from”, and “까지” means “to” or “until”.
In the text : “학교에서 인사동까지” can be translated as “from school to Insadong”
Questions : About the Text
(1) How long does it take from Insadong to school ?
① 몇분쯤
② 십오분쯤
③ 한 시간쯤
④ 열다섯 시간쯤
(2) True or false ?
① 우리는 인사동을 잘 알아요
② 버스에 빈 자리가 있어서 앉았어요
③ 인사동에서 내렸어요
④ 집 앞 버스 정류장에서 272번 버스를 탔어요
Answers (click to unfold)
First question :
② 십오분쯤
Second question :
① 우리는 인사동을 잘 알아요 => False
② 버스에 빈 자리가 있어서 앉았어요 => False
③ 인사동에서 내렸어요 => True
④ 집 앞 버스 정류장에서 272번 버스를 탔어요 => False
Check out Yonsei Reading 1-1 on Amazon*

Other Texts For Beginners

Study Method for Texts
If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.
To study this text, start by reading it from beginning to end once without paying too much attention to whether you understand fully or not. Then, listen to the audio file (if there is one) and read along.
You can press pause as many times as needed.
During your second read, try to understand as much as possible. If you can’t understand some of the words, check their meaning as well.
When you finish your second read, ensure you understood the story/text correctly. Read a third time (with or without audio). It’s even better if you read it out loud: it will improve your speech fluency over time.
You can then try answering the questions asked at the end!