안녕하세요! 🙂 I’m coming to you with a new Korean reading practice for this week. We will talk about a girl, Lina, and the surroundings of her house. It is not too difficult, but don’t hesitate to check the vocabulary list if you need to! 🙂
Table of Contents
Korean Reading Practice : The Market

안녕하세요. 저는 리나예요.
우리 집 근처에 시장이 있어요.
시장에 여러 가게가 있어요.
과일을 살 수 있어서 좋아요.
슈퍼마켓보다 더 싸요.
그래서 시장에 자주 가요.
Translation (click to unfold!)
The Market
Hello. I am Lina.
There is a market near my house.
There are various stores in the market.
I like it because I can buy fruit.
It’s cheaper than the supermarket.
So, I often go to the market.

한국어 | 영어 |
집 | House |
근처 | Neighborhood |
시장 | Open Market |
여러 | Various |
가게 | Store |
과일 | Fruit |
사다 | To buy |
슈퍼마켓 | Supermarket |
싸다 | To be inexpensive |
그래서 | So |
자주 | Often |
가다 | To go |
Grammar points
-ㄹ 수 있다
This grammar structure is used to express ability or possibility, equivalent to “can” or “be able to” in English.
- Formation:
- Attach -을 수 있다 to the verb stem if it ends in a consonant.
- Attach -ㄹ 수 있다 to the verb stem if it ends in a vowel.
- Examples:
- 먹다 (to eat): 먹을 수 있다 (can eat)
- 가다 (to go): 갈 수 있다 (can go)
- Usage in a sentence:
- 한국어를 할 수 있어요. (I can speak Korean.)
This grammar structure is used to make comparisons, equivalent to “than” in English.
- Formation:
- Attach -보다 directly after the noun that is being compared.
- Usage in a sentence:
- 이 책이 저 책보다 더 재미있어요. (This book is more interesting than that book.)
Questions : About the Text
(1) 리나 씨가 시장에 무엇을 사요 ?
① 과일을 사요
② 책을 사요
③ 옷을 사요
④ 컴퓨터를 사요
(2) 시장은 슈퍼마켓보다 어때요?
① 더 비싸요
② 더 작아요
③ 더 멀어요
④ 더 싸요
Answers (click to unfold)
First question :
① 과일을 사요
Second question :
④ 더 싸요
Other Texts For Beginners

Study Method for Texts
If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.
To study this text, start by reading it from beginning to end once without paying too much attention to whether you understand fully or not. Then, listen to the audio file (if there is one) and read along.
You can press pause as many times as needed.
During your second read, try to understand as much as possible. If you can’t understand some of the words, check their meaning as well.
When you finish your second read, ensure you understood the story/text correctly. Read a third time (with or without audio). It’s even better if you read it out loud: it will improve your speech fluency over time.
You can then try answering the questions asked at the end!