Korean Reading Practice

Korean Reading Practice : Morning Story

안녕하세요! 🙂 As usual, I’m coming to you with a new Korean reading practice for this week. We will talk about the morning routine of someone who has to go to school!

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice : Morning Story

아침 이야기

오늘 저는 학교에 가요.
보통 7시에 일어나요.
하지만 오늘은 늦게 일어났어요.
그래서 샤워를 안* 했어요.
세수만 했어요.
아침도 먹지 않았어요.
그래도 학교에 늦게 도착했어요.

Note : In Korean, you can create negation by using or .
안 / 지 않다 vs 못 / 지 못하다
못 is slightly more advanced and requires a bit of a deeper understanding of Korean.
It is used when you want to convey the idea that you didn’t have the possibility to do something.
If you’re familiar with the negation in Korean, you can replace “안” with “못” in this little story. (그래서 샤워를 못 했어요)
If you want to say that you chose not to do something, use .

In the story, both can be used. 못 will sound more natural.

Translation (click to unfold!)

Morning Story

Today, I go to school.
Usually, I wake up at 7.
But today, I woke up late.
So I didn’t take a shower.
I just freshened up.
I didn’t eat breakfast either.
But I still arrived late at school.


가다To go
7시7 o’clock
일어나다To wake up, get up
안 했어요didn’t do
세수하다To freshen up
도착하다To arrive

Grammar points

~에 (Location/Time Marker)

This particle is used to indicate the location or time of an action.

  • Examples:
    • 학교에 (to school)
    • 7시에 (at 7 o’clock)

~도 (Also/Too)

This particle means “also” or “too.” It’s attached to nouns.

  • Examples:
    • 아침도 (morning also)

Questions : About the Text

(1) Choose the correct answer
① 저는 보통 6시에 일어나요.
② 저는 보통 7시에 일어나요.
③ 저는 보통 8시에 일어나요.
④ 저는 보통 9시에 일어나요.

(2) True or false?
① 오늘 저는 일찍 일어났어요.
② 오늘 저는 샤워를 했어요.
③ 오늘 저는 아침을 먹지 않았어요.
④ 오늘 저는 학교에 제시간에 도착했어요.

Answers (click to unfold)

First question :
② 저는 보통 7시에 일어나요.

Second question :
① 오늘 저는 일찍 일어났어요. -> False
② 오늘 저는 샤워를 했어요. -> False
③ 오늘 저는 아침을 먹지 않았어요. -> True
④ 오늘 저는 학교에 제시간에 도착했어요. -> False

Other Texts For Beginners

Korean Reading Practice Self Introduction

Study Method for Texts

If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.

To study this text, start by reading it from beginning to end once without paying too much attention to whether you understand fully or not. Then, listen to the audio file (if there is one) and read along.

You can press pause as many times as needed.

During your second read, try to understand as much as possible. If you can’t understand some of the words, check their meaning as well.

When you finish your second read, ensure you understood the story/text correctly. Read a third time (with or without audio). It’s even better if you read it out loud: it will improve your speech fluency over time.

You can then try answering the questions asked at the end!

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