안녕하세요 여러분! 🙂 Today, we are studying a new reading practice for beginners, but this time, it will be a dialogue!
In this article, you will find :
- A short dialogue written in Korean
- A translation of the text
- An audio file
- A vocabulary list
- A short explanation of the most difficult grammar parts if necessary
- A few questions to review your understanding of the text
When we do not write the texts ourselves, we give credits where credits are due. Links marked with * are affiliate links, and we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. It will help support the blog, so thank you. 🙂
You can find this text and more in the book Ewha 1-1*, which is my favorite series of textbooks for self-study.

Check out Ewha 1-1 on Amazon*
Table of Contents
Korean Reading Practice : Dialogue

대화 : 어디에 있습니까 ?
수진 : 미셸 씨, 안녕하세요?
미셸 : 안녕하세요? 이 방이 수진 씨 방입니까?
수진 : 아니요. 마사코 씨 방입니다.
미셸 : 수진 씨, 세탁실이 어디에 있습니까?
수진 : 지하 1층에 있습니다. 매점 옆에 있습니다.
미셸 : 휴게실이 어디에 있습니까?
수진 : 2층에 있습니다. 2층에 휴게실하고 컴퓨터실이 있습니다.
미셸 : 고맙습니다. 앞으로 잘 부탁합니다.
Translation (click to unfold!)
Dialogue : Where is ?
Su Jin: Hello Michelle.
Michelle: Hello. Is this your room?
Su Jin: No, this is Masako’s room.
Michelle: Su Jin, where is the laundry room?
Su Jin: It’s on the basement 1st floor. Next to the convenience store.
Michelle: Where is the lounge?
Su Jin: It’s on the 2nd floor. There’s a lounge and a computer room on the 2nd floor.
Michelle: Thank you. Please take good care of me*. (* sentence translated literally, it is a custom to say this sentence to people you meet for the first time to let them know you are getting accustomed to things around you and you will be appreciative of their help.)

한국어 | 영어 |
씨 | Polite way to call someone you don’t know well : you add 씨 to their name. Check the article “how to say you” to learn more about it. |
방 | Room |
세탁실 | Laundry room |
지하 | Basement |
버스 정류장 | Bus stop |
매점 | Small shop |
옆 | Next to |
휴게실 | Lounge (room where you can rest) |
층 | Counter for floors |
컴퓨터실 | Computer room |
앞으로 | In the future |
부탁하다 | To request |
앞으로 잘 부탁합니다 | Lit. meaning : Please take care of me from now on |
Grammar points
Attached to a noun. It means “and”.
In the text : “휴게실하고 컴퓨터실이 있습니다” = there is a lounge and a computer room.
Questions : About the Text
(1) 세탁실이 어디에 있습니까?
① 1층에 있습니다.
② 2층에 있습니다.
③ 지하 1층에 있습니다.
④ 세탁실이 없습니다.
(2) True or false ?
① 이 방이 수진 씨 방입니다.
② 휴게실이 2층에 있습니다.
③ 1층에 휴게실하고 컴퓨터실이 있습니다.
④ 2층에 컴퓨터실이 있습니다.
Answers (click to unfold)
First question :
③ 지하 1층에 있습니다.
Second question :
① 이 방이 수진 씨 방입니다. => False
② 휴게실이 2층에 있습니다. => True
③ 1층에 휴게실하고 컴퓨터실이 있습니다. => False
④ 2층에 컴퓨터실이 있습니다. => True

Other Texts For Beginners

Study Method for Texts
If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.
To study this text, start by reading it from beginning to end once without paying too much attention to whether you understand fully or not. Then, listen to the audio file (if there is one) and read along.
You can press pause as many times as needed.
During your second read, try to understand as much as possible. If you can’t understand some of the words, check their meaning as well.
When you finish your second read, ensure you understood the story/text correctly. Read a third time (with or without audio). It’s even better if you read it out loud: it will improve your speech fluency over time.
You can then try answering the questions asked at the end!