Korean Reading & Listening Practice : Are you ready ?

Hi Korean learners ! Today, we meet again for another Korean listening and reading practice for beginners. This Korean short story is targeted towards baby beginners. (A1) But, warning, there will be a lot of grammar and vocabulary mixed together. So it might be difficult at first !

But just take your time, and you’ll get through it 🙂

In this story, Luki is waking up in Korea after arriving. (in the airport story here !) Let’s check out what happens there.

Table of Contents

Korean Reading Practice

Are you ready ?


어제 한국에 도착했어요. 아주 피곤해요.
그래도 기분이 정말 좋아요.

지금 비누 씨의 집에서 살고 있어요.
비누 씨의 집은 아주 깨끗하고 좋아요.
학교에서 아주 가까워요.

하지만 비누 씨의 집은 작은 원룸이에요.
그래서 저는 비누 씨와 같이 살 수 없어요.

그래서 저는 새로운 집을 찾아야 해요.
새로운 집은 가격이 싸야해요. 그리고 주방이 있어야 해요.
학교에서 가까워야 해요.

그리고 저는 조용한 집이 좋아요. 창문이 큰 집이 좋아요.
책상이 있는 집이 좋아요.

내일 비누 씨와 같이 집을 찾을 거예요.
저는 한국어를 아직 잘 못 해요.
그래서 비누 씨가 저를 도와줄 거예요.


비누 – 루키 씨, 준비 됐어요 ?

루키 – 네 ? 무슨 준비요 ?

비누 – 제가 어제 말 안 했어요 ? 친구가 루키 씨를 만나고 싶어 해요.

루키 – 아… 그래요 ? 언제요 ?

비누 – 10시 30분에요.

루키 – 네? 지금 벌써 10시 20분이에요. 비누 씨!!? … ㅠㅠ

비누 – 하하, 미안해요. 안가고 싶어요?

루키 – 아니요 ! 가고 싶어요.
준비 할게요.

Translation (toggle!)


I arrived in Korea yesterday.
I am very tired.
But I feel really good.
I am currently staying at Binu’s house.
Binu’s house is very clean and nice.
It’s very close to the school.
However, Binu’s house is a small studio apartment.
So I can’t live with Binu.
So I have to find a new place to live.
The new place has to be cheap.
And it needs to have a kitchen.
It should be close to the school.
And I like a quiet place.
I like a place with large windows.
I like a place with a desk.
Tomorrow, Binu and I will go look at houses together.
I still can’t speak Korean well.
So Binu will help me.

– Luki, are you ready?
– What? Ready for what?
– Didn’t I tell you yesterday?
A friend wants to meet you.
– Oh… really? When?
– At 10:30.
– What? It’s already 10:20!
Binu!!? … ㅠㅠㅠㅠ (crying emoticon)
– Haha, sorry.
You don’t want to go?
– No! I want to go.
I’ll get ready.


도착하다to arrive
피곤하다to be tired
기분feeling, mood
좋다to be good
살다to live
깨끗하다to be clean
가깝다to be close
원룸studio (apartment)
새롭다to be new
찾다to find
싸다to be cheap
조용하다to be quiet
크다to be big
도와주다to help
무슨what, which
word, speech
만나다to meet

Grammar points

-을/ㄹ 수 있어요 / 없어요

을 수 있어요 and 을 수 없어요 are used to express the ability or inability to do something in Korean, similar to “can” and “cannot” in English.

을 수 있어요을 수 없어요
“can”, “able to do something”
Verb stem + 을 수 있어요 (if the verb stem ends in a consonant) Verb stem + ㄹ 수 있어요 (if the verb stem ends in a vowel)
“cannot”, “unable to do something”
Verb stem + 을 수 없어요 (if the verb stem ends in a consonant) Verb stem + ㄹ 수 없어요 (if the verb stem ends in a vowel)


을 수 있어요을 수 없어요
읽을 수 있어요 : “I can read.”
할 수 있어요 : “I can do it.”
수영할 수 있어요 : “I can swim.”
갈 수 있어요 : “I can go”
읽을 수 없어요 : “I can’t read.”
할 수 없어요 : “I can’t do it.”
수영할 수 없어요 : “I can’t swim.”
갈 수 없어요 : “I can’t go”


-고 is a connector that links verbs or adjectives, similar to “and” in English.


  • Verb/Adjective stem + -고


  • 깨끗하고 좋아요 “It is clean and nice.”
    • 깨끗하다 (to be clean) + -고 = 깨끗하고

어야 하다 / 되다

어야 하다 and 어야 되다 mean “must” or “have to” in English. It’s used to express necessity or obligation.


  • Verb stem + -어~아야 하다/되다
  • The ending depends on the vowel in the verb stem:
    • If the last vowel in the stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, use 아야 하다/되다.
    • For other vowels, use 어야 하다/되다.


  • 찾아야 해요
    찾다 (to find) + -아야 하다 = 찾아야 해요 → “I have to find…”
    싸야 해요
    싸다 (to be inexpensive) + -아야 하다 = 싸야 해요 → “It has to be cheap…”
    가까워야 해요
    가깝다 (to be close) + -아야 하다 = 가까워야 해요 → “It has to be close…”

V-는 / A-(으)ㄴ

Turns an adjective (예쁘다) or a verb (먹다) into a noun modifier, a word that will describe the noun it precedes. In the text, we see these noun modifiers in the present tense, which we will focus on.


V + 는 -> Take the verb stem and add -는


A + (으)ㄴ -> Take the adjective stem and add 은 or ㄴ, depending on whether the

adjective stem ends with a consonant or a vowel.

Consonant : 높다 => 높 + 은 => 높은
Vowel : 예쁘다 => 예쁘 + ㄴ => 예쁜

Some examples from the story :

  • 하지만 비누 씨의 집은 작은 원룸이에요. (But Binu’s place is a small studio)
    작다 (small) is an adjective – A + (으)ㄴ => 작은 => 작은 원룸 (small studio)
  • 그래서 저는 새로운 집을 찾아야 해요. (So I have to find a new house)
    새롭다 (new) is an adjective (ㅂ irregular) – A + (으)ㄴ => 새로운 => 새로운 집 (new house)
  • 그리고 저는 조용한 집이 좋아요. (And I like quiet places)
    조용하다 (quiet) is an adjective – A + (으)ㄴ => 조용한 => 조용한 집 (quiet house)
  • 창문이 큰 집이 좋아요. (I like a house with big windows)
    크다 (big) is an adjective – A + (으)ㄴ => 큰 => 큰 집 (big house)

Korean Time System

Korean Time System

In Korean, telling time combines native Korean numbers for hours and Sino-Korean numbers for minutes.

You will need to know both systems to tell the time, or in many situations requiring numbers in Korean. But let’s focus on time today.

Native Korean Numbers (for hours)Sino-Korean Numbers (for minutes)
1 : 하나 → 한 시 (1 o’clock)
2 : 둘 → 두 시 (2 o’clock)
3 : 셋 → 세 시 (3 o’clock)
4 : 넷 → 네 시 (4 o’clock)
5 : 다섯 → 다섯 시 (5 o’clock)
1 : 일 → 일 분 (1 minute)
2 : 이 → 이 분 (2 minutes)
3 : 삼 → 삼 분 (3 minutes)
4 : 사 → 사 분 (4 minutes)
5 : 오 → 오 분 (5 minutes)

Improving the Sentences

In this story, as it is a story for baby beginners, the sentences are not connected. In Korean, you can connect the sentences in many ways. Let’s see some of them through the story.

You can find more of these in the YouTube video related to this reading / listening practice. 🙂

Other Texts For Beginners

Study Method for Texts

If you’re not familiar with text study, here’s a method I would suggest you try.

Since we’ve recently started making YouTube videos for each reading practice we post, I would suggest you watch the video to study the text.
The video is divided as follows :

  1. Korean voice only, with pictures to help the understanding
  2. Korean subtitles + translation
  3. Additional notes

By following the video first, you’ll get a good grasp of the text. Then, you can come back here and study it from here.

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