Korean Sentences

100 Basic Korean Sentences for Beginners

Today, I’m back with a list of 100 basic Korean sentences for beginners. The sentences use basic grammar patterns and basic greetings.

You will see :

  • Greetings
  • A couple of simple useful sentences
  • Sentences in the present tense
  • Sentences in the past tense
  • Sentences in the future tense (with the verbs already used)
  • Sentences using -고 싶다 (with the verbs already used)

You can take note of these grammar patterns and remember these basic sentences to use them easily whenever you need!

By learning grammar patterns through sentences like this, you can improve your speech in Korean quickly. In future articles, I will put more grammar patterns, which will gradually become more difficult.

If you want, you can check the 100 basic words in Korean, another article from a few weeks ago.

I have compiled and put most of these sentences in this video :

So you can go and watch it as well to have the sound linked to the sentences!

Level : Baby Beginners
Speech level : mostly informal polite [해요체 – 해요] (used between colleagues, people you don’t know well yet, basic polite speech)

Basic Korean Sentences

Sentence & RomanizationTranslation
[ an nyeong ha se yo ]
잘 지냈어요?
[ jal ji naess eo yo? ]
how have you been?
안녕히 가세요
[ an nyeong hi ga se yo ]
goodbye (to person leaving)
안녕히 계세요
[ an nyeong hi gye se yo ]
goodbye (to person staying)
좋은 하루 보내세요
[ jo eun ha ru bo nae se yo ]
have a nice day
[ gam sa ham ni da ]
thank you
[ joe song ham ni da ]
I’m sorry
제 이름은 … 입니다
[ je i reum eun … im ni da ]
my name is …
만나서 반갑습니다
[ man na seo ban gap seum ni da ]
nice to meet you
[ gwaen chan a yo ]
I’m okay, it’s okay
천천히 말해 주세요
[ cheon cheon hi mal hae ju se yo ]
please speak slowly
적어 주세요
[ jeo geo ju se yo ]
please write it down
[ do wa ju se yo ]
please help me
다시 말해 주세요
[ da si mal hae ju se yo ]
please say it again
몇 살이에요?
[ myeot sal i e yo? ]
how old are you?
어디에 살아요?
[ eo di e sa ra yo? ]
where do you live?
지금 뭐 해요?
[ ji geum mwo hae yo? ]
what are you doing now?
뭐 먹어요?
[ mwo meo geo yo? ]
what are you eating?
지금 몇 시예요?
[ ji geum myeot si ye yo? ]
what time is it now?
뭐 해요?
[ mwo hae yo? ]
what are you doing?
어디에 가요?
[ eo di e ga yo? ]
where are you going?
눈이 와요
[ nun i wa yo ]
it’s snowing
비가 와요
[ bi ga wa yo ]
it’s raining
오늘 날씨가 좋아요
[ o nul nal ssi ga jo a yo ]
the weather is nice today
저는 한국어를 공부해요
[ jeo neun han guk eo reul gong bu hae yo ]
I study Korean
저는 학생이에요
[ jeo neun hak saeng i e yo ]
I am a student
[ chu weo yo ]
it’s cold
[ deo weo yo ]
it’s hot
맛있게 드세요
[ ma sit ge deu se yo ]
enjoy your meal
책을 읽어요
[ chaek eul il geo yo ]
I’m reading a book
생일 축하해요
[ saeng il chuk ha hae yo ]
happy birthday
[ i hae hae yo ]
I understand
이해 못 해요
[ i hae mot hae yo ]
I don’t understand
[ un dong hae yo ]
I’m exercising
잘 자요
[ jal ja yo ]
sleep well
친구를 만나요
[ chin gu reul man na yo ]
I’m meeting a friend
집에 가요
[ jib e ga yo ]
I’m going home
학교에 가요
[ hak kyo e ga yo ]
I’m going to school
[ jo a yo ]
good / it’s nice / i like it
[ sil eo yo ]
I don’t like it / i don’t want that
[ al get seo yo ]
I got it
[ mo reu get seo yo ]
I don’t know
저는 어제 요리했어요
[ jeo neun eo je yo ri hae sseo yo ]
I cooked yesterday
저는 어제 일했어요
[ jeo neun eo je il hae sseo yo ]
I worked yesterday
저는 어제 공부했어요
[ jeo neun eo je gong bu hae sseo yo ]
I studied yesterday
저는 어제 쇼핑했어요
[ jeo neun eo je syop ping hae sseo yo ]
I shopped yesterday
저는 어제 운동했어요
[ jeo neun eo je un dong hae sseo yo ]
I exercised yesterday
저는 어제 택시를 탔어요
[ jeo neun eo je taek si reul tass eo yo ]
I took a taxi yesterday
저는 어제 노래했어요
[ jeo neun eo je no rae hae sseo yo ]
I sang yesterday
저는 어제 쉬었어요
[ jeo neun eo je swi eoss eo yo ]
I rested yesterday
저는 어제 버스를 탔어요
[ jeo neun eo je beo seu reul tass eo yo ]
I took a bus yesterday
저는 어제 전화했어요
[ jeo neun eo je jeon hwa hae sseo yo ]
I made a phone call yesterday
저는 어제 청소했어요
[ jeo neun eo je cheong so hae sseo yo ]
I cleaned yesterday
저는 어제 영화를 봤어요
[ jeo neun eo je yeong hwa reul bwass eo yo ]
I watched a movie yesterday
저는 어제 책을 읽었어요
[ jeo neun eo je chae geul il geoss eo yo ]
I read a book yesterday
저는 어제 친구를 만났어요
[ jeo neun eo je chin gu reul man nass eo yo ]
I met a friend yesterday
저는 어제 산책했어요
[ jeo neun eo je san chaek hae sseo yo ]
I went for a walk yesterday
저는 어제 사진을 찍었어요
[ jeo neun eo je sa jin eul jjik eoss eo yo ]
I took a photo yesterday
저는 친구를 만났어요
[ jeo neun chin gu reul man nass eo yo ]
I met a friend
저는 책을 읽었어요
[ jeo neun chae geul il geoss eo yo ]
I read a book
저는 영화를 봤어요
[ jeo neun yeong hwa reul bwass eo yo ]
I watched a movie
저는 어제 한국어를 공부했어요
[ jeo neun eo je han guk eo reul gong bu hae sseo yo ]
I studied Korean yesterday
어제 뭐 했어요?
[ eo je mwo hae sseo yo? ]
what did you do yesterday?
오늘 뭐 했어요?
[ o neul mwo hae sseo yo? ]
what did you do today?
저는 공부할 거예요
[ jeo neun gong bu hal geo ye yo ]
I will study
저는 내일 공부할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il gong bu hal geo ye yo ]
I will study tomorrow
저는 내일 일할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il il hal geo ye yo ]
I will work tomorrow
저는 내일 요리할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il yo ri hal geo ye yo ]
I will cook tomorrow
저는 내일 운동할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il un dong hal geo ye yo ]
I will exercise tomorrow
저는 내일 노래할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il no rae hal geo ye yo ]
I will sing tomorrow
저는 한국에 갈 거예요
[ jeo neun han guk e gal geo ye yo ]
I will go to Korea
저는 내일 청소할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il cheong so hal geo ye yo ]
I will clean tomorrow
저는 내일 쉴 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il swil geo ye yo ]
I will rest tomorrow
저는 내일 영화를 볼 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il yeong hwa reul bol geo ye yo ]
I will watch a movie tomorrow
저는 내일 책을 읽을 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il chae geul ilg eul geo ye yo ]
I will read a book tomorrow
저는 내일 친구를 만날 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il chin gu reul man nal geo ye yo ]
I will meet a friend tomorrow
저는 내일 한국어를 공부할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il han guk eo reul gong bu hal geo ye yo ]
I will study Korean tomorrow
저는 내일 사진을 찍을 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il sa jin eul jjik eul geo ye yo ]
I will take a photo tomorrow
저는 내일 버스를 탈 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il beo seu reul tal geo ye yo ]
I will take the bus tomorrow
저는 내일 전화할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il jeon hwa hal geo ye yo ]
I will make a phone call tomorrow
저는 내일 산책할 거예요
[ jeo neun nae il san chaek hal geo ye yo ]
I will go for a walk tomorrow
내일 뭐 할 거예요?
[ nae il mwo hal geo ye yo? ]
what will you do tomorrow?
저는 책을 읽고 싶어요
[ jeo neun chae geul il ggo sip eo yo ]
I want to read a book
저는 영화를 보고 싶어요
[ jeo neun yeong hwa reul bo go sip eo yo ]
I want to watch a movie
저는 음악을 듣고 싶어요
[ jeo neun eum ak eul deut go sip eo yo ]
I want to listen to music
저는 운동을 하고 싶어요
[ jeo neun un dong eul ha go sip eo yo ]
I want to exercise
저는 친구를 만나고 싶어요
[ jeo neun chin gu reul man na go sip eo yo ]
I want to meet a friend
저는 한국어를 배우고 싶어요
[ jeo neun han guk eo reul bae u go sip eo yo ]
I want to learn Korean
저는 여행을 가고 싶어요
[ jeo neun yeo haeng eul ga go sip eo yo ]
I want to travel
저는 쉬고 싶어요
[ jeo neun swi go sip eo yo ]
I want to rest
저는 밥을 먹고 싶어요
[ jeo neun bap eul meok go sip eo yo ]
I want to eat
저는 친구를 만나고 싶어요
[ jeo neun chin gu reul man na go sip eo yo ]
I want to meet a friend
저는 한국 음식을 먹고 싶어요
[ jeo neun han guk eum sik eul meok go sip eo yo ]
I want to eat Korean food
저는 공부하고 싶어요
[ jeo neun gong bu ha go sip eo yo ]
I want to study

How to Learn These Sentences

There are multiple ways to learn Korean through sentences. If you’re not doing that already, I suggest you start talking to yourself in Korean occasionally during your day.

For example, if you’re hungry – you could tell yourself “배고파요“. You want to watch a movie – “영화를 보고 싶어요“.

At the beginning, you will use the sentences as they appear in the list (the simple casual polite form). Then with time, you’ll learn to bring feelings to the sentences.

영화를 보고 싶어요 > 영화를 보고 싶네

Anyway, start bringing these sentences into your daily thoughts, and you’ll see your improvement quickly. Since I will publish more articles with more grammar patterns, you will also be able to incorporate more vocabulary and grammar into your study!

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